Academically/Intellectually Gifted

Gifted Education Department Contact Information
Tammy Brown
Chief Academic Officer
Office: Newton-Conover City Schools
Phone: 828.464.3191
Cheryl Rhea
AIG Coordinator
Office: Newton-Conover Middle School Address: 873 Northern Dr NW, Conover, NC 28613
Phone: 828.464.4221 Ext. 115
Scottie White
AIG Teacher
Office: Newton-Conover Middle School Address: 873 Northern Dr NW, Conover, NC 28613
Phone: 828.464.4221 Ext. 115
Academically/Intellectually Gifted Education
Services for children who are academically/intellectually gifted must be part of an overall educational program supporting excellence for all students. These students must have a continuum of services in grades kindergarten two through twelve which address their needs. Recognition of academically/intellectually gifted student must cross all cultural and economic strata. Potentially academically/intellectually gifted students from culturally diverse or economically disadvantaged families and students with disabilities need early learning experiences that are appropriately stimulating and educationally challenging.
Identification of Gifted Students
Newton-Conover City Schools has initiated a process for nomination of potential candidates for differentiated services using multiple criteria. This process includes screening, student search, nomination, committee review, and service options match. Aptitude and achievement test scores, a Gifted Behavior Scale, grade performance, and other indicators are utilized in the identification process.
Transfer students who have been previously identified or show potential for participation in differentiated service options will be reviewed for local eligibility based on individual needs.
Possible Service Options for Gifted Students
Subject grouping in Math or Reading
Cluster grouping
In-class flexible grouping
Cross-grade grouping
Pullout gifted classes in fourth and fifth grades
Middle School:
Advanced classes in Math, Language Arts, and Science
Cross-grade grouping
Course acceleration
Dual Enrollment
High School:
Honors and Advanced Placement courses in English, Math, Science, Social
Studies, Foreign Language, and Fine Arts
Dual enrollment
Participation in special schools in North Carolina
Academically/Intellectually Gifted in North Carolina
Newton-Conover AIG District Plan
Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (CDM)
Advanced Placement Courses for High School
Summer Camps in the Hickory Area
Summer Enrichment Programs at NC Colleges and Universities
Appalachian Entrepreneurship Academy