Current Meal Prices

ALL Grades - $0.00 - All Newton-Conover sites offer Universal Breakfast daily. All students can eat breakfast at no charge, regardless of their meal status.

Grades K-5 - $2.75
Grades 6-12 - $2.90
Reduced Lunch $.40

Meal benefits are based on household income levels. Household applications must be completed each year . Applications must list all members living in household and all income from household members. Applications must have a household income listed to be processed.

It is important that those families who qualify for free/reduced meals complete the annual Free/Reduced Meal Application immediately.  Newton-Conover can receive additional necessary funding for our classrooms based on the amount of students who qualify and are approved for Free/Reduced Meals. Please take a moment to complete this application! In addition, there are other services that students may be able to utilize if they qualify. 

Lunch Prepay Program

Parents can utilize the to place funds on student accounts. is a secure, easy and convenient way to apply funds directly to your student's account online.  You can even check the account balance and keep an eye on what your student is buying. To sign up or find out more about K12PaymentCenter, click here

Returned Check Notice

Newton-Conover City Schools has enrolled with checkXchange to handle all returned checks.