Board Member Robbie Gonzales was sworn in on 12-14-21 pictured here with Ashley Bandy.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
Also sworn in on 12-14-21 is Board Member Phil Heath, pictured here with son Kade.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
On 12-14-21, Re-elected Board Member, Tim Hayes was sworn in by the Honorable Robert Mullinax, Jr. Pictured here with his wife Leah Hayes and son Cooper.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
At the 12-15-21 Board Meeting, the 2021 Women's NCHS State Championship Golf Team was recognized. Pictured areL Celeste Little, Hailey Hicks, Sondra Uon, and Coach John Echerd. Congratulations to all!
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
Also recognized was NCHS tennis player, Alexa Allison. Alexa has been the #1 tennis player for 3 straight years, team leader and has gone to the State Tournament repeatedly.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
N-CCS Board of Ed recognized Conover School Teacher, Rachel Stanley. Principal Josh Weese was appreciative of all her efforts to assist with compliance processes and paperwork for the school.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
The N-CCS Board of Ed also recognized teacher Rebecca Schaeffer for her continued hard work and contributions at Conover School.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
On 12-14-21, the N-CCS Board recognized Conover School volunteers Valeria Hollar and Dawn Dewitt for there work on that school's Zumbathon.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
In other recognitions on 12-14-21, the N-CCS Board of Ed recognized Conover School Student, Matthew Fleenor for his accomplishments.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
At its December 14, 2021 meeting, the N-CCS Board recognized Ella Cecil as a United Way Giving From the Heart Award winner. Ella volunteered 145 hours at the Corner Table who nominated her for this award. Thank you Ella for your service to the community.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
Newton-Conover City Schools would like to thank Paramount Automotive who donated $1,500 to support our therapy dogs Jasper and Mowgli. Mowgli is pictured here with South Newton Principal Elizabeth Moseley and Robert Barnes of Paramount.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
WHEN: December 10, 2021 12 PM to 5:30 PM
LOCATION: Newton-Conover City Schools Board Room
ADDRESS: 605 North Ashe Ave, Newton, NC
Ages 5 and UP
All three vaccines available.
Get your 1st Dose, 2nd Dose, or Booster
Register by Phone 980-445-9818
Register Online:
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
Per state statute, each school board is required to make a decision regarding face coverings for students and staff each month. At the most recent board meeting, the N-CCS Board of Education voted to make face coverings optional for students and staff beginning January 2022. There will be processes in place that are currently being developed to make sure that we are monitoring and providing safeguards for our students and staff. The N-CCS Board of Education will be monitoring our COVID numbers and will make a decision again (required per state statute) at the December 13 meeting to either amend or confirm the decision to make face coverings optional beginning January 2022. The reason the board wished to make the announcement early was to provide families ample time to get their children vaccinated if they so choose since the vaccines are now available down to age 5.
FREE COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic
December 10. 12 to 5:30 PM
NCCS Boardroom
All 3 Vaccines
Get Your 1st Dose, 2nd Dose, Booster
Ages 5 and Up
Registration Forthcoming
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
The NCCS Board of Education recognized Child Nutrition Manager, Rebecca Doty for her service of excellence on November 15, 2021.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
The NCCS Board of Education also recognized NCMS Teacher, Chasity Bolch for her service to our district.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
On Monday, November 15, 2021, the NCCS Board of Education recognized NCMS Teacher Susan Ramsey for excellent service to our students and district.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
The Newton-Conover Middle School Wrestling Team from 2020 was recognized at the November 15, 2021 Board Meeting for their successful season. We were unable to recognize earlier due to pandemic.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
At its November 15, 2021 Board Meeting the NCCS Board of Education recognized the Newton-Conover Middle School Cross Country Team for their successful season.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson
Newton-Conover expresses its gratitude to all veterans who have sacrificed with their service in the US Armed Forces. We would like to thank David Speer, SSG USAF 1989-1993 NCANG 1993-1998.
almost 3 years ago, John Robinson