Attention Returning N-CCS students! PowerSchool Enrollment is now open and an email notification has been sent to you. Please use the email, which contains hyperlinks, to complete your registration. If you have changed your email address or no longer use the email account you used last year, please inform your child's school. You can contact the school between 7:30 am and 4:30 pm and speak with the data manager. Please note that this message only applies to returning students. New kindergarten students have already completed their registration. New students in Grades K-12 who have never attended N-CCS before should register through the website Thank you for your attention to this important matter!!
1 day ago, John Robinson
The recent Microsoft outage has affected our PowerSchool Returning Students registration program. As a result, the PowerSchool Returning student registration has been temporarily closed until the issue is fixed. We will send out a notification once we receive confirmation from PowerSchool Enrollment that the problem has been resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding.
4 days ago, John Robinson
Our N-CCS Board of Education recently recognized our own Finance Department for winning for the 32nd Time, the Association of School Business Officials Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2023. They have also won the Government Finance Officers Association Award in 22-23 for the 27th Time.
about 1 month ago, John Robinson
N-CCS Finance Department 2024
Here's to all our Red Blazer Award Winners who attended this year's 2024 Annual Red Blazer Awards.
about 2 months ago, John Robinson
Red Blazer Award Winners at the 2024 Red Blazer Awards
Red Blazer Award Winners
Retired Assistant Superintendent Janie Sigmon was awarded a Red Blazer Award for her contributions to the Newton-Conover City Schools at the Annual Red Blazer Awards 2024. She was nominated by Melanie Elrod.
about 2 months ago, John Robinson
Dr. Aron Gabriel, Janie Sigmon and Melanie Elrod
Dr. Aron Gabriel, Janie Sigmon and Melanie Elrod
Dr. Aron Gabriel and Janie Sigmon
At the 2024 N-CCS Red Blazer Awards, Larry Harris, retired teacher and director of personnel, was presented with a Red Blazer for his contributions to the district.
about 2 months ago, John Robinson
Dr. Aron Gabriel, Larry Harris and Debbie Bandy
Debbie Bandy and Larry Harris
Dr. Aron Gabriel and Larry Harris
At the 2024 Annual N-CCS Retiree and Red Blazer Awards, Retired Teacher Yvonne Barnhardt was awarded the Red Blazer Award for her contributions to the district. She was nominated by her daughter Stephanie Calderon.
about 2 months ago, John Robinson
Stephanie Calderon, Yvonne Barnhardt and Dr. Aron Gabriel
Stephanie Calderon and Yvonne Barnhardt
Dr. Aron Gabriel and Yvonne Barnhardt
Retired EC Teacher Assistant Jennifer Gosnel recognized by EC Director Jessica Sherrill.
about 2 months ago, John Robinson
Jessica Sherrill and Jennifer Gosnel
Conover School's Paula Sigmon recognized Retired Teacher Assistant Nicola Hershberger and Retired Transportation Coordinator Kim Beal.
about 2 months ago, John Robinson
Nicola Hershberger, Paula Sigmon, and Kim Beal
Discovery High School Custodian, Manuel Audrey, recognized by Principal Shane Whitener.
about 2 months ago, John Robinson
Manuel Audrey and Shane Whitener
Retired Newton-Conover High School Teacher, Amy Lowdermilk, also recognized by Principal Chris Penley.
about 2 months ago, John Robinson
Chris Penley and Amy Lowdermilk
Retired Newton-Conover High School teacher, Myra Johansen, recognized by Principal Chris Penley.
about 2 months ago, John Robinson
Chris Penley and Myra Johansen
North Newton Elementary School retired teacher Sherrie Fisher was recognized by Principal Leah Hayes.
about 2 months ago, John Robinson
Leah Hayes and Sherrie Fisher
South Newton Retired Teacher Jane Guelzow recognized by South Newton Principal Elizabeth Moseley.
about 2 months ago, John Robinson
Elizabeth Moseley and Jane Guelzow
N-CCS Held its Annual Retiree and Red Blazer Award Celebration today May 30, 2024. Eight Retirees were honored and 3 New Red Blazer Awards were presented.
about 2 months ago, John Robinson
Retiree and Red Blazer Awards 2024
Red Blazer Awards 2
Brunch at Retiree and Red Blazer Awards
Brunch 2
Brunch 3
Congratulations to the N-CHS Class of 2024!
about 2 months ago, John Robinson
N-CHS Grads 2024
NCHS Grads2
NCHS Grads 3
NCHS Junior Marshalls
NCHS Speaker
Happy Memorial Day! All buildings are closed today.
2 months ago, Newton-Conover City Schools
Memorial Day
Congratulations to the Discovery High School Class of 2024!
2 months ago, John Robinson
Grad Speech
Graduation 2024
Happy last day of school! #whatdoesyourdashmean
2 months ago, Newton-Conover City Schools
Last Day
Newton-Conover City Schools would like to congratulate the 2024 Graduates of Conover School. Congratulations! Thank you Dr. Betsy Rosenbalm and Conover Mayor Kyle Hayman for helping us recognize the accomplishments of our Conover Graduates.
2 months ago, John Robinson
Conover School Graduate
Conover School Graduate 2
Graduate Joy!
Congrats Grad
Thank You Dr. Rosenbalm
Thank You Mayor Kyle Hayman